Message from the President-in-Council
Horticultural Society of Nigeria (HORTSON) established in 1977 is a registered society in Nigeria as one of the most respected and influential professional societies for horticultural scientists. It is a member society of International Society of Horticultural Science (ISHS). HORTSON is committed to promoting and encouraging national and international interest in art, scientific research and education in all branches of horticulture. HORTSON comprised of thousands of members within and outside Nigeria, HORTSON represents a broad cross-section of the horticultural community - scientists, educators, students, landscape managers, government and industry professionals. HORTSON members focus on practices and problems in horticulture: breeding, propagation, production and management, harvesting, handling and storage, processing, marketing and use of horticultural plants and products.
- Our members use horticultural science to address major issues facing our nation and our world.
- Provide the research that keeps our fruit, vegetable and ornamental crop producers competitive and allows them to raise their crops sustainability.
- Educate fruit, vegetable, floral, and nursery crop growers.
- Translate the latest fundamental research into products and practices that improve our health, communities, and environment.
- Improve rural economies by supporting profitable horticultural production.
- Improve food security in central cities by making urban farms and gardens successful.
- Organizes conferences where research results are presented to researchers across different fields in horticulture for deliberations and translation of the outputs into products that can improve the nation’s economy.

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